Monday, December 29, 2008

Men wid no hair and women wid everything to bare...

they call it murda, and they blame it on me. i havnt typed out words here for some time. but cant they just let me be me? ouh k the year's beckoning an end and to usher in the new year seems pretty much redundant. i wash ma hair to remove the grease but how bout the evil that people have committed. send them thru a carwash and hope the soap is enough for everyone? i wanna travel; thaliand, france and australia are on the agenda. i wanna train, flirt and holiday with a certain someone(respectively). hahaha. i don know watz in store for me for the next 365 days. the horizon loooks kinda empty, for now. women are takin their fair share in me, but who knows, i might have set ma sights for the angel tht dropped from heaven. and i really wonder how women can throw a nuclear bomb on smth they arnt totally satisfied wid?? having second thoughts BEFORE payin is human nature. but After, is just pure disaster. they say therez a man in every woman, hence the word wo-man, but to behave entirely as one is sin. had i not have enough of such creature-features? isnt there one gentle soul out there whu seeks serenity, and not autocracy? think about it ladies, and let me know ya answers.

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