Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dignify death, Glorify honour.

i guess the ears have been waiting intently to her ma words of wisdom. i guess the eyes have been patient in seeking the truth. i have been missed, and so have i missed. little is left to know in this dimension. the crackling of the buzz, the dawning of a new dilemma, all of it has engulfed me, forcin me ten steps back into reality. as i cast of shadow i doubt, i take a look at ma life to see the sun rays eluding all darkness and reaching out to its creation. God has everything in store fer me in this lifetime. pain joy sorrow happiness and all the hours of time, they make me feel othawise. sometimes its hard to put a face to death, but thatz the image thatz been frightening my dreams away, frightening me in ma nightmares. the death around me fears thyself, fer why has it not taken me but the unrelenting souls ard me? if u ever had someone tell you i was just the average next-door-guy, then someone must have lied real bad. but do i deserve so much hype? ive been shred to pieces now. not knowing of watz the force thatz been hammering ma feet back to the ground, i look into the distance, trynna make of watz comin to me. to love or to live. like how the fallen angel once found its way to ma arms, im delusional, not knowing if it wants its place back with the stars. certain angels were meant to treasured, but am i takin the right path in finding my lost happiness? she's been missed, she's been loved. the tides are comin in, the sun's setting. but the night still fails to dampen ma soul. 2012? hahaa now y does He needa set a date fer mass destruction?? bein calculative has been his forte, but why not ride it out and leave a trail of destruction behind? many more words to come. many more actions follow suit.