Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nike Free 7.0

"The word WOMAN is prolly the most disgusting thing that the dictionary as conjured into its ranks. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE MA MUM, for she's an angel. God was prolly aslp when Woman, or shd i say Eve, was created. hence evil had fallen upon earth. the devil is in her. nothin positive occurs when she walks the earth. ive cried, and anth but cried, when im in close proximity of one. they never stay true, and onli cling on to the perception of happiness and deceptive behaviour. all the women close to me, have left for greener pastures. cuz im ugly? cuz im broke? or is it cuz i speak too good for you to comprehand or handle?? Women cant accept truth, but they fall for sweet talk and fony lies about their mirages. for i do not know wat purpose they carry on earth. to fuckin get screwed and harbour ma seedlings? or to destroy a harmonious yet malignant lifeform called earth? the latter perhaps, sees more truth. these morphians shd be destroyed. nothin has been gained from 'em. onli the tears of broken hearts and the blood of broken bones seep through the earth and fill the land that has been cast a-shadow upon by these once lovely creatures." - to those who feel im outright hideous with ma language, or feel that you do not belong to this horrible caste, then please forgive me. You fall in the ranks as angels. for the rest of you scumbags, ive got nothin further to say.

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