Friday, June 13, 2008


my body was pushed to the extreme on the last training. ma body was made a mockery off. it was made a laughing stock among the brutal regiment. i cant still feel the aches in the joints and minor muscles such as the hip flexors and abductors. they're cryin out in pain. they do not know the limitaion to what atrocities ma mind holds for them.

we had a major orgy session yeterday. no not that bedroom antic ya thinkin bout. i was thrown into a ring with five others and we were against each other i a gladiator-style sparring contest, minus the blood, drama and glory. and there was no room for the fact tht everyone else atleast had an extra eight kilos packed behind their punches and kicks. that's for being the lightest there.

despite watching countless attempts at goal, Italy brushed past prolly the biggest scare of the tounament. i watched in horror as the referee pointed to the penalty spot, just to have the transmission blank out, having to rely on the screams from the kofishop down stairs. being able to distinguish the diff types of screams brought the drumbeats to a steady motion of heartbeats.

murder as they wrote, takes place on the field with 23 men, and a ball as a murder weapon.

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